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注目のアウトサイダーアートが集結!「Rainbow展 Season3」2月24日(月・休)まで開催中🌈


泉佐野市で初の障がい者アートに取り組む福祉事業所として2009年に開所したYELLOWとコラボし、2022年度・2023年度と好評を博した「Rainbow展 Season3 YELLOW×ホテル日航関西空港」を2月24日(月・休)まで開催中。


大阪の冬の風物詩「光の饗宴2024 」で展示された西村賢示氏・福原悠太氏、2025年就航予定「飛鳥Ⅲ」の船内に展示する有田京子氏、アートパラ深川大賞受賞者のミルカ氏など、注目のアーティスト作品が続々!


“Rainbow Exhibition Season 3” is being held until February 24th (Monday, public holiday).
A collaboration with YELLOW, the first welfare facility in Izumisano City to engage in art by people with disabilities since its opening in 2009, the highly acclaimed “Rainbow Exhibition Season 3 YELLOW × Hotel Nikko Kansai Airport” from 2022 and 2023 is now being held to great acclaim!
In Season 3, 27 colorful works by 21 artists, including three first-time participants, are beautifully displayed in the hallway gallery space on the 2nd floor of the hotel.
Featured works include those by notable artists such as Kenji Nishimura and Yuta Fukuhara, whose pieces were exhibited at Osaka’s winter spectacle “Hikari no Kyoen 2024,” Kyoko Arita, whose art will be displayed aboard the cruise ship “Asuka III” set to launch in 2025, and Miruka, winner of the Art Para Fukagawa Grand Prize. Many of the exhibited works are available for purchase, with some exceptions.
Come and immerse yourself in the vibrant and imaginative world of outsider art, created by talented artists with disabilities, filled with color and originality!

Rainbow展 Season3
【展示場所】ホテル日航関西空港 2階通路スペース



  1. 意賀美神社奉納演武会

  2. 泉州漁港食堂 きくのや

  3. ENJOY!りんくう(りんくう花火)